Our results in numbers








Hours of masterclass

Dashboard mockup

Who is Bolsa
Cabo Verde Digital for?

Young people who wants to solve problems
Someone who is willing to risk and commit to changiging the narrative of Cabo Verde
Someone who does not accept the status quo

The selection Criteria

Be between the ages of 18 and 35, and have not benefited from the CVD scholarship program in previous editions
Cape Verdean nationality or Cape Verdean descendants, residing in the national territory
Have higher education or professional training (level 3 to 5), or be attending the last year of the course in ICT or related areas
Do not own a company or startup with a maturity of more than 24 months
Be unemployed or not linked to any state institution or have a permanent employment contract
Have immediate and exclusive availability to fulfill the program schedule

Program overview

Powerful, self-serve product and growth analytics to help you convert, engage, and retain more users. Trusted by over 4,000 startups.

Idea development

Development of skills for conducting Market Research and consolidating the Business idea

Technology development

Development of technical skills to create the Prototype of the solution, following the best practices at the UI/UX level

Entrepreneurial development

Development of Entrepreneurial skills, for the formalization of the Company and preparation for the application for financing, if applicable.

Don’t just take our word for it

Hear from some of our amazing founders who will never be the same again.
"A única palavra, para descrever a jornada na BCVD, é gratidão, pela oportunidade de aprender e crescer mais e, sobretudo, tornar possível um sonho, que antes era só uma ideia."
Jaíssa Nogueira
"O término dessa fase marca-nos muito pelo aprendizado adquirido, pelas amizades feitas e pela família que todos orgulham em fazer parte, que é a família BCVD!"
Silvien Santos
"Nesta comunidade muito dinâmica, tive muitas oportunidades para trocas e partilhas de ideias e experiências."
Luana Fortes

Frequently asked questions

How do I apply?
  1. Go to www.digital.cv/bolsa
  2. Click on the "apply now" button
  3. Fill in the form
  4. Click on the "Send Application" button
What is the elevator-Pitch?
  1. You should download the proposed template from the platform.
  2. Fill in the template.
  3. Upload the document, in PowerPoint or PDF format, to the platform.
How do I describe the proposed solution?
Describe how you will solve the identified problem or gap.
What does "Project Status" mean?
Ideation - you have just one idea
Development - you are developing the project
Validation - you are proving the suitability of your product in the market
Growth - you are already in the market, you are in the growth phase
The project is mine alone, what do I do?
We advise you to look for someone who believes in your project to be part of your team during the program.
Don't give up!
How do I describe the business problem?
Describe, in a clear way, the problem you intend to solve with the project, or the gap/need detected in the market.
What should I write in the "incubation preference" field?
  1. Click on the field
  2. Analyze the proposed list
  3. Choose two institutions where you would prefer to incubate
What is the application period?
You can register for BCVD5 from May 20 to June 20, 2024
Join us and help us build the future of Cabo Verde